How to Cure Addiction with Alternative Medicines Ayahuasca Essential oils Eastern practices (Accupuncture, Yoga, Tai Chi, etc.) Massage and Body Therapies (Massage and sweats, etc. ) Energy work (crystals, reiki, etc.) Treatment centers offering holistic therapy use exercise, meditation, and nutrition to help people overcome their addiction. Holistic therapies may include: Yoga Tai chi Guided meditation Acupuncture Essential Oils Massage therapy Herbal Medicine Spiritual therapy Routine exercise Proper nutrition Counseling Art therapy Holistic Therapy For Addiction Treatment Holistic therapy programs feature personalized, non-medical methods of addiction recovery. Holistic therapists treat physical and mental addiction symptoms as well as emotional and nutritional imbalances . Lack of sleep, poor diet, and emotional stress are all potential obstacles holistic therapy might help a recovering addict treat. Holistic therapy plans are flexible and gentle. Some of the main objectives...
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